Providing gas meter readings in Ukraine via Viber and Telegram chat bots

Подача данных счетчика через чат боты viber и telegram

“How to submit the gas meter readings?” is a very common request on the Internet. Most utility payers face this problem every month. Catch useful information from Naftogaz in the form of a brief instruction.


The first step is to register once on the website of your Oblgas. You will have a “Personal Account” created.


The second step – in the finished office, press the “Add indicators” button – transfer the counter indicators.


To register, you need to indicate your personal account number. It is indicated in the payment order along with the phone number of the Oblgaz operator, you can contact there to submit indicators.


An alternative way to provide metrics is to use Viber and Telegram chatbots. There you need to click on the “Transfer indicators” button, then follow the link and register, if there is no personal account yet.


Подача данных счетчика в чат бот Телеграм Подача данных счетчика в чат бот Вайбер


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