Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the European Investment Bank 2021

Сотрудничество Минэнерго Украины и Европейского инвестиционного банка

Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko and Head of the European Investment Bank in Ukraine Jean-Erik de Zagon attended a working meeting, which touched upon promising areas of strategic partnership in energy issues.


встреча министра энергетики Украины и представителя Европейского инвестиционного банка




German Galushchenko noted that the Ministry of Energy is striving for updates in its energy strategy. These aspirations also take into account the goals towards which Ukraine is heading. European Green Deal, transformation of coal mining regions, goals for the introduction of modern technologies for energy conservation. Ensuring the stable operation of the power system is also important.


At the moment, transparent rules are being introduced into the electricity market to make it predictable and become even closer to the synchronization of the Ukrainian energy system and ENTSO-E.


Promising areas for joint work of the Ministry of Energy and the EIB: hydrogen energy and its development, energy efficiency and hydropower.


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