Other boiler rooms

Buy solid fuel boiler houses in our store


Most of the stationary heat supply systems for residential, industrial and municipal buildings, built in the last century, are morally and technically outdated. Their reconstruction and technological re-equipment require significant financial investments.


Group of Companies “EPG-KOLVI” offers an effective and inexpensive solution for providing heat to various objects – transportable block-modular boiler houses. These mobile units are able to provide guaranteed heating of even large rooms. Due to the maximum automation, the heat supply will be automatically adjusted taking into account the temperature regime of the outside air.


Types of transportable block-modular boiler room


Heating equipment manufacturers offer transportable boiler plants in three main types:


Solid fuel.


The amount of heat generated by it will be enough to heat not only a huge warehouse, but also an entire residential village. A mobile solid fuel boiler house will be an ideal option for heating various objects in an area with large reserves of wood or coal. The economic benefits of using such transportable installations are undeniable. After all, coal, firewood, peat, and even more waste from wood processing are among the cheapest energy source. And thanks to its compact size, the modular solid fuel boiler room can be easily installed in a site with limited space. Produced with a capacity of 0.6 … 1 MW.


On gas.


Gas transportable boiler plants are very popular due to their ability to provide high efficiency. In addition, it does not pollute the atmosphere and provides heating of water in a minimum period of time. Hot water boilers running on natural gas are often used to generate saturated steam for not only heating premises, but also for technological needs. The advantages of such modular installations include: the economic benefit from refusing to use centralized heat supply networks. Due to full automation, the temperature of the coolant supplied to the heating system is controlled automatically, depending on the temperature outside. In addition, in the Group of Companies “EPG-KOLVI”, you can buy a gas block-modular boiler room in an individual configuration specifically for the needs of the customer. In EPG it is possible to choose modular gas heating plants with a capacity of 0.1 … 2.0 MW.




Due to their low weight, such modular units can be quickly delivered anywhere in Ukraine without any problems. For their operation, any refined product is poured into a special tank. Most often it is fuel oil. The foreseen preliminary preparation of liquid fuel allows achieving the optimal efficiency of the modular boiler house. The use of a drop method of combustion of an energy carrier in a liquid state makes it possible to create a water heating process that is in no way inferior to gas transportable installations. EPG has the ability to select a block diesel heating unit with a capacity of 0.1 … 50 MW.


Also, block modular boiler rooms may differ in the way they are placed:


• Freestanding. Boiler equipment, manufactured and assembled at the factory, is installed in an autonomous structure built of lightweight structures. This makes it possible, if necessary, to equip a block-modular boiler room for several days.
• Wall mounted. Installed directly at one of the walls of the heated object. This eliminates the need for heating mains.
• Roof boiler room. By placing a block installation on the roof of a heated building, it is possible to save money on the construction of a chimney, as well as on the search and preparation of a site for its installation.
• Mobile. The modular units installed on vehicle chassis can be used practically in the field during the construction of a new facility or in the elimination of an emergency.


Group of Companies “EPG-KOLVI” offers a wide range of boiler equipment from the world’s leading manufacturers. If you need a modular boiler room, you can buy it in our online store at a loyal cost. The price of such a block installation will depend on the type of fuel used, capacity, and placement method.

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Address Ukraine, Kyiv oblast,
Sofievskaya Borshagovka, st. Gorky, 1
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00

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