
план энергоэффективности в Украине
A national energy efficiency action plan has been developed for the period up to 2030

At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which was held in the coming days, a resolution was adopted to develop a special action plan at the national level for the energy efficiency of Ukraine for a period that should be completed before 2030. Based on what was written in the program, before […]

день энергетика в Украине
Happy Power Engineer Day in Ukraine on December 22!

Dear employees of the energy industry!   The EPG group of companies – the supplier of Kolvi boilers, sincerely congratulates you on your professional holiday! Thanks to your tireless and persistent daily work, industry and the social sphere operate smoothly, transport and communications function, and people’s homes are filled with light and warmth.   We […]

анонсировал “Большую термомодернизацию”
Zelensky announced “Great Thermal Modernization” in 2022

The current President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that in the new 2022 it is planned to start the “Great Thermal Modernization”, which, according to the President, will provide an opportunity to be insured against a subsequent increase in prices for energy resources and “for the first time to obtain true energy independence.”   He […]

Пауза в сертификации Северного потока – 2
Consequences of suspension of certification of Nord Stream 2: gas for $1000

The cost of gas exceeded $1000 per 1000 m3, this is due to the news that the certification of Nord Stream 2, which is Russian, has been suspended.   This was reported by ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) data.   At 14 o’clock in Kyiv, the price of gas in the main hub of Europe TTF in […]

The national boiler manufacturer KOLVI took an active part in the study of the possibility of using a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen as fuel for municipal and industrial heat generating plants / boiler houses.

The EPG-KOLVI Group of Companies, which is the National manufacturer of KOLVI, took an active part in the study of a mixture of hydrogen and natural gas as a fuel for municipal and industrial heat generating plants / boilers.   On the basis of this research, specialists have written a scientific article on a relevant […]

кредит для модернизации системы теплоснабжения Киева
A loan agreement between Kyiv and the EBRD for 140 million euros for the modernization of the heating system

The press service of the Kyiv City State Administration announced the signing of a loan agreement for 140 million euros, this money is intended for the modernization of the heat and power complex of Kiev.   The Mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko said that this project was created to introduce modern technologies in the creation […]

Увеличение цен на газ на украинском рынке
Gas prices in Ukraine rise following Europe

For the first time ever, the price of natural gas in Ukraine has risen above 15,000 hryvnia per 1,000 cubic meters. This price was announced during the auction on July 1, 2021. The rise in prices is driven by high demand for gas and insufficient supply. One of the reasons was also the increase in […]

Василий Лозинский в рабочей поездке в Харьковской области
Vasily Lozinsky on a working trip to the Kharkiv region on energy efficiency

First Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories Vasily Lozinsky, went on a working trip to the Kharkiv region. During the visit, he visited 11 construction sites where boiler and pumping stations, heat chambers, central and individual heating points, and other engineering infrastructure facilities are being modernized. In total, 30 objects are participating in […]

Сотрудничество Минэнерго Украины и Европейского инвестиционного банка
Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the European Investment Bank 2021

Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko and Head of the European Investment Bank in Ukraine Jean-Erik de Zagon attended a working meeting, which touched upon promising areas of strategic partnership in energy issues.     Photo:   German Galushchenko noted that the Ministry of Energy is striving for updates in its energy strategy. […]

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