The main tasks for 2022 in Ukraine for renewable energy

развития восстановительной энергетики

Among the arguments responsible for the development of energy sources are political, economic and environmental ones. And, if an exhaustive amount of information has been written about environmental issues, today these arguments are the key factors for the development of renewable energy. There are few of them to support the improvement of the presented sector on the territory of Ukraine. And in most cases this is due to the fact that many people think that it should be cheaper, but not so clean.

Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy Development

There are forecasts that the development of such a direction as renewable energy in Ukraine in the future may contribute to a significant reduction in the cost of electricity for users. Such data appeared several years ago.


On the part of a well-known Swiss company, research is systematically carried out in terms of comparing such an indicator as the cost of electricity in Ukraine, received from completely different sources of generation. Traditional production has been found to increase the price, while renewable energy reduces it.


If we make a comparison, then for wind and solar power plants of an industrial design, it is already significantly cheaper. At the same time, every year this difference in favor of renewable energy only increases.


According to the calculations of a well-known Finnish organization, according to the scenario that provides the most affordable electricity on the territory of Ukraine, the percentage of renewable energy by 2050 should be about 83%. The remaining indicators will be directed to gas generation. But, despite this, in Ukraine over the past few years they have only been saying that renewable energy is expensive, so you should not switch from a traditional source of electricity generation.

Emergency state of power plants and small reserves of coal

In recent years, a hybrid struggle against the use of renewable energy has been carried out on the territory of Ukraine, despite the fact that there is a need to reduce its price. For several years, the question has arisen as to whether the use of renewable energy will be the right decision and whether it will be possible to achieve more affordable prices for heat and light.


During the struggle on the territory of Ukraine, the whole world has fallen into a rather serious crisis situation related to energy. The cost of gas has become 15-20 times higher, and more than once the limit was crossed over $2,000 per 1,000 m3. And recently, more and more often you can hear that in the near future in the winter the price will exceed $ 3,000. As for the cost of coal, during this time period it rose 3 times and already in December 2021 it exceeded $150,000.


Due to the fact that the cost of coal and gas became record high, this led to the fact that tariffs for heat and electricity also increased significantly. As for the solution, the EU argues that it is necessary to deal with the development of renewable energy. Therefore, it is possible to realize the displacement of coal from the electric power sector through the introduction of wind and solar generation. Bioenergy will play a key role in replacing natural gas for the implementation of such a process as the decarbonization of transport.

The Political Virtues of Renewable Energy Development

Considering political issues, the most serious of them is the price of natural gas. Due to the fact that the average import of Ukraine per year is about 10 billion m3, even at the minimum cost, this will amount to more than 10 billion dollars. Coal is imported in the amount of approximately 19 million tons, which in terms of money equivalent will be about $3 billion. If these types of energy generation are replaced by renewable energy, it will be possible to save about $13 billion.

Steps to solve the problem

  1. Political recognition of renewable energy in Ukraine.
  2. Development of a special comprehensive program, according to which the transition to “green” energy will be implemented.
  3. Holding tenders for the construction of generating capacities and energy storage.
  4. Regular holding of auctions, according to which quotas will be distributed to support those projects related to the introduction of renewable energy.
  5. Signing of the law on stimulating the process of production of renewable energy without state support and on market terms.
  6. Signing of the law on energy storage devices.


Additionally, it is necessary to introduce those steps that are related to thermal energy and the transport system.


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